EVENT LINK: https://tinyurl.com/voices-of-palestinian-women
June 14th, 10:00am-11:30am, Virtual, Free
ADHUC-Research Centre of Theory, Gender and Sexuality at the University of Barcelona and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. With the support of the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Cultures organize the online literary series "Voices of Palestinian Women Authors." Our project is a semi-academic reading sessions directed to people interested in literature and Palestine, and it is open to university attendees and general audience.
This series aims to provide a prominent platform to showcase and explore a curated selection of works, primarily literary, by Palestinian women authors. Throughout each session, we will delve into various aspects of Palestinian culture, history, and contemporary reality, utilizing literature and the arts as key vehicles to understand the diverse voices and perspectives of Palestinian women.
Each one and a half hour session will consist of an interactive conversation where participants will have the opportunity to discuss and analyze the selected book. Sessions will take place online at 16h 17:30h / Barcelona. 10-11:30h / ECT 17-18:30h Jerusalem / 15-16:30h London.