EVENT LINK: http://tinyurl.com/shima-robinson
January 15th, 10:30pm EST, Virtual, Suggested Donation
Come join us for another night of slam poetry!
Shima Aisha Robinson is an amiskwaciy-wâskahikan (Edmonton) born student, community builder, poet and spoken word artist who embodies, with every literary and scholarly effort, the ancient meaning of her chosen pen name. Dwennimmen is the name of an ancient African Adinkra symbol, which means strength, humility, learning and wisdom. It is no surprise, then, that this veteran of the Alberta poetry community uses a searing intellect and dynamic precision-of-language to create poetry which ushers her readers and listeners toward greater understanding and poignant reflection. For Shima Aisha Robinson aka Dwennimmen, poetry has long been a compass, a salve, an anchor and guiding light. She uses the potential and force of poetry to uncover the full range of her cerebral, linguistic and spiritual fortitude. This is why her every poem and performance testifies to an emerging power and wisdom, an authentic, deeply human potency which she hopes to pass on to listeners and poetry-lovers around the world. She is the author of two books including HORN, 2016, Denseverse (self published), and Bellow, 2022, Glass House Press. She works in the Arts as the Artistic Producer for the Edmonton Poetry Festival Society, and for the Fringe Theatre as the Learning and Outreach Manager. Shima is also the 10th Edmonton Poet Laureate.
Sign up to read starts at 7:30 both in person and online. See you there!